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Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Hogwarts Maps

1. Hogwarts Environment

2.Hogwarts Dungeon and Basement


Dungeons , Dungeon cupboard , Deathday Party Hall , Potions Classroom , Potions basement , Severus Snape's office , Slytherin Dungeon ,

Other locations in the Dungeons

Hufflepuff Basement , Hogwarts kitchen , Boathouse

2.Hogwarts Ground Floor and First Floor

Ground Floor: 

Entrance Hall Chamber of Reception , Viaduct Courtyard , Great Hall , Staffroom , Room 234-00 , Middle Courtyard , Transfiguration department , Classroom 1B (transfiguration class) , Classroom Eleven , Viaduct Entrance , The Quad , Viaduct , Grand Staircase

Other locations on the ground floor

First Floor:

Classroom 4F (history of magic classroom) , Muggle Studies Classroom , Hospital wing , Poppy Pomfrey's office , Minerva McGonagall's office (Gryffindor Head Office) , Stone Bridge , Tapestry Corridor , Severus Snape's storeroom , First-Floor Girls' Toilets , Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom ,

Other locations on the first floor

3. Hogwarts Second Floor and Third Floor

Second Floor

Second Floor Corridor , Defence Against the Dark Arts professor's office ,

Third Floor:

Armoury , Classroom 2E (Charm Classroom) , Clock Tower Entrance , Classroom 3C (DADA Classroom) , Hogwarts Library , One-Eyed Witch Passage , Trophy Room , hird Floor Corridor

Other locations on the third floor


4.Hogwarts Fourth Floor and Fifth Floor

Fourth Floor

Restricted Section , Study Area , Cuthbert Binns's office ,

Other locations on the fourth floor

Fifth Floor

Prefects' bathroom , Art Classroom , Music Classroom

Other locations on the fifth floor

5.Hogwarts Sixth Floor and Seventh Floor

Sixth Floor

Sixth Floor Corridor , East Wing , Sixth Floor boy's lavatory , Classroom 6A (Ancient Rune Classroom) , Horace Slughorn's office , Room of Rewards .

Other locations on the sixth floor

Seventh Floor

Filius Flitwick's office , Hall of Hexes , Classroom 7A , Fat Lady's Corridor , North Wing , Disused seventh floor bathroom , Divination Classroom , Sybill Trelawney's office

Other locations on the seventh floor


The tallest tower at Hogwarts Castle surrounded by a parapet and turret. It is where students study the stars and planets through their telescopes in Astronomy lessons with Professor Aurora Sinistra. This is usually done at midnight where the stars are best seen. The tower is usually out-of-bounds except for classes. All the way down from the boathouse you can see the huge window of the Astronomy Tower. Located within this tower is the Astronomy Corridor, Astronomy reading room, Astronomy classroom, Astronomy stairwell, Astronomy department and the Astronomy Room.

  • Bell Tower

The Bell Towers are two towers that rise over the main entrance to the Herbology Greenhouses. Between the two towers are a set of double wooden doors which lead along the Ground Floor Corridor. Inside the left Bell Tower is Filch's Office.

  • Clock Tower
The Clock Tower does not begin at the Ground Floor level. Because it is placed on top of a hill, the Tower begins at the Third Floor level. When you enter the Tower, there is a huge space, like an Entrance Hall with flights of wooden stairs at the right and left side. The first landing is at the Fourth Floor level. It is at this landing that are the clock's gears and face. This same corridor connects the Tower to the remaining castle. If you go up another flight of wooden stairs, you will get to another landing, this time at the Fifth Floor level. It is in this landing that are the clock's bells; some massive gold and copper bells. There is another corridor at this landing; like the other, it links the Tower to the main castle.

  • Dark Tower

The Dark Tower is a small but high tower near the Transfiguration Courtyard at Hogwarts Castle. This tower seems to be used as a prison. It has several prison cells, with the topmost being at the roof. The cells are not, however, charmed or otherwise protected against breaking-in from the outside. It has seven floors.

  • Gryffindor Tower
Gryffindor Tower is located behind the portrait of the Fat Lady on the Seventh Floor of Hogwarts Castle. A Password is required to enter it, which is spoken to the portrait. A circular hole is behind the painting, leading to the Common room, which is a circular room whereGryffindor students can relax after a long day of studying. The Common room is full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. can be posted. A window looks out onto the grounds of the school, and a large fireplace dominates one wall.

The Gryffindor dormitories are also located in the Tower, with two doors leading off from the Common room that open to spiral staircases. One of them leads to the girls dormitory, the other to the boys. The stairs to the girls dormitories are enchanted to become a slide if any boy attempts to climb them, but not vice-versa, since it was deemed that girls were more trustworthy than boys.

The Headmaster's office is located within this tower. To gain entrance, a password must be given to a stone gargoyle, which will move aside at the correct password to reveal a spiral staircase with moving steps. The office is a circular room with windows, decorated with portraits of previous Headmasters includingDilys Derwent and Phineas Nigellus Black. Many magical instruments are kept here, such as the Sorting Hat and the Pensieve.

The Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the staircase leading up to the common room is presumably located on the fifth floor, and is the location of the Ravenclaw common room and dormitories. The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door without doorknob or keyhole but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. In order to enter the room, you must answer a question asked by the eagle knocker; if you answer wrong, you must wait for someone who gets it right.

The Owlery is located on the top of this tower. During the winter months, the tower is very cold, to the point that one has to be careful with ice on the higher landings. A tightly spiraling staircase leads from the bottom of the tower on the seventh floor up to a door leading out onto the battlements.

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